FGV Smart Start Strives to connect families to resources. The Early Childhood Systems Director strives to locate children who are unserved or underserved and connect them with resources to be more successful. Individuals and Agencies working together will enhance the long-term success of our future leaders.

FGV has three locations for small group activities and for loaning out resources to families who care for children at home:

Franklin County – Franklinton Elementary School
Granville County – Community Resource Center at the Masonic Home for Children, Oxford
Vance County – FGV Smart Start Office on Charles Rollins Road in Henderson

Please email lfrederickson@fgvsmartstart.org to learn more or schedule a visit.

Family Support Resources Kit

NC 211 is an information and referral service provided by United Way of North Carolina. Families and individuals can call 2-1-1 or 1-888-892-1162 to receive free and confidential information on health and human services within their community.  https://nc211.org/

Franklin County Health Department www.franklincountync.gov/county_services/health_department/index.php

Granville/Vance Public Heath www.gvph.org/

Franklin County Schools www.fcschools.net/

Granville County Schools www.gcs.k12.nc.us/

Vance County Schools www.vcs.k12.nc.us/

Franklin Vance Warren Opportunities www.fvwopp.com/

North Carolina Department of Health and Human Services www.ncdhhs.gov/

NC Smart Start and Partnership for Children www.smartstart.org/

North Carolina Department of Public Instruction www.dpi.nc.gov/

Franklin County Community Resource Guide www.ncworks.gov/admin/gsipub/htmlarea/uploads/CRAG/Franklin_County.pdf

Granville County Community Resource Guide www.ncworks.gov/admin/gsipub/htmlarea/uploads/CRAG/Granville_County.pdf

Vance County Community Resource Guide www.ncworks.gov/admin/gsipub/htmlarea/uploads/CRAG/Vance_County.pdf