Helping Teens and Their Babies Towards a Better Future

Supporting adolescent parents to complete their high school or equivalent certified GED program, acquire job skills, and improve their parenting abilities while preventing future unplanned pregnancies helps them become self-sufficient and better able to support themselves and their families. Our home visiting schedules are guided by a nationally certified evidence-based curriculum called ‘Parents As Teachers’. This scope of work establishes a strong stable foundation upon which the baby will be raised and by investing in teen parents today, the Adolescent Parenting Program (APP) protects the future of two generations – the young parents themselves and their babies.

In APP We…
• Work with parents to grow, learn, experience, and prepare to be the best parents they can be
• Proactively plan to prevent a second pregnancy until parents are ready
• Learn how to survive high school…oh yeah, and graduate or complete a GED!
• Provide information and opportunities to get real job training, join the military, attend college or gain employment at a livable wage
• Help participants have a healthy, positive pregnancy and birth on their terms
• Learn parenting skills and strategies for caring for a child and themselves
• Provide one-on-one sessions with an APP Coordinator to assist with information and
resources specific to parents and their child
• Provide transportation to important appointments and APP events
• Hold monthly group meetings, fun field trips and social activities!
• Free diapers, wipes, and baby supplies are available for participants
• Build community and connections with other young parents
The goals of APP are as follows.
1. Increase the self-sufficiency outcomes for APP participants by:
a) Increasing the delay of a subsequent pregnancy;
b) Increasing graduation from high school with diploma or completion of GED;
2. Improve child welfare and school readiness outcomes for the children of APP participants by:
a) Increasing incidence of positive parenting among APP participants to support their child’s cognitive development and mental health;
b) Increasing incidence of child’s physical well-being by establishing the child’s medical home and creating a safe home environment.
The success of APP depends not only on the commitment of the funded agency, but also on the support of the community and the cooperation of other agencies such as local health departments, social services agencies, and public schools.

For more information please contact 252-433-9110 x 232
APP Community Partners
Dress For Success:
Henderson YMCA Water Safety Classes:
Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA):
Springs Holistic Center Inc.:
Oasis of Hope:
Turning Point CDC:
The Salvation Army Vance County:
The Vance County Department of Social Services:
Granville Vance Public Health:
Catching for Kids:
Franklin Vance Warren Opportunity’s Youth Re-Build Program:
Vance County Schools:
Vaya Health:
Enjoy the Baby LLC:
Manhood Group:
Women Children & Family Counseling Services PLLC:
Vance County Center-Cooperative Extension:

Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Program

Ensuring that young people have the right tools to make healthy, responsible decisions is an investment in the future. Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention Programs (APPP) across North Carolina provide essential education, support academic achievement, encourage parent/teen communication, promote responsible citizenship, and build self confidence among their participants.
Agencies funded to implement an APPP project are required to use approaches to teen pregnancy prevention that have been shown to be effective at delaying sexual initiation, improving contraceptive use, and/or reducing adolescent pregnancy. Download a list of fundable pregnancy prevention program models (PDF, 297 KB).
In addition, agencies may consider enhancing the chosen program model by adding any of the following components: academic assistance, parent involvement, service learning, career awareness, job skills development, individual counseling, linkages with medical and preventive health services and information, cultural enrichment, and recreation.
The success of APPP depends not only on the commitment of the funded agency, but also on the support of the community and the cooperation of other agencies such as local health departments, social services agencies, and public schools.